November 1 2021
Retrospect, Inc. Turns 10

Retrospect, Inc. incorporated ten years ago today: November 1, 2011. Retrospect Backup was originally owned by Dantz Development until Dantz was acquired by EMC in 2004. In 2010, Sonic Solutions acquired Retrospect Backup from EMC and then itself was acquired by Rovi. The leaders of Retrospect approached the management team at Rovi about the idea of spinning off the product, and Rovi agreed to a deal.
Thus, Retrospect, Inc. was born, focused solely on data protection. See our Wikipedia page for more details. Eight years later, we were acquired by StorCentric. We’re part of a larger organization now, with ways to grow the business and protect more data.
While Retrospect, Inc. has only been around for a decade, Retrospect Backup has been protecting businesses for 32 years now. Retrospect Backup doesn’t collect analytics, but a couple years ago, I did a back-of-the-envelope calculation for how much data we protect: 100PB. In fact, we now have individual customers who have over 1PB protected by Retrospect Backup. For a long list of features we’ve shipped since 2011, see “Retrospect Celebrates 30 Years of Data Protection”.
I’m extremely grateful to be a part of such a fantastic team and to work on a product that has helped so many recover from data loss. Thanks to everyone who is or has been a part of Retrospect!