
Brian Dunagan

August 17 2018
431,529 Views: A Decade of Blogging

Ten years ago today, I started this blog. It was a couple months after joining Retrospect, and I created a WordPress blog to collect various technical notes and thoughts.

In the last decade, I’ve written 160 posts–16 per year or more than once a month–and the site has received 431,529 pageviews, with the largest referrer being Stackoverflow at 6%. See the below screenshot of Google Analytics from 2008 to 2018. The spike is when Lifehacker reviewed Remind Me Later. That free app was a huge hit, racking up around 80,000 downloads.

Here are the top five most popular posts with their pageview percentages:

  1. 16% – Custom UITableViewCell from a XIB in Interface Builder
  2. 7% – Remind Me Later
  3. 6% – ibtool: Localization Made Easy
  4. 5% – Core Animation on the iPhone
  5. 4% – Converting MySQL from LATIN1 to UTF8

Of course, the most popular posts are useful technical how-to guides, not thoughtful posts. Here are my top five favorite posts and their pageview percentages:

  1. 0.04% – A Mac App Store
  2. 0.42% – Rails internationalization at scale
  3. 0.05% – Making Remote Work
  4. 0.11% – Novelty versus need – Fitbit and iWatch
  5. 0.01% – How we built a modern, responsive

Given the recent rate of posts, I doubt I’ll match 160 in the next decade.

Ten years at Retrospect Web Developer Tip: Clear Cache on Safari
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